
The WingBox is a unique device that brings together the ability to control devices, stream and record their HDMI output thus allowing both live testing and automation capabilities.

The WingBox can operate both IR-controlled and network-controlled devices. Any device with HDMI output can be streamed anywhere with an ultra-low latency in a perfect quality of 2K in 60 fps.

You can order a WingBox by contacting our sales team through email.

Preproduction WingBox

Setting up the WingBox

The WingBox's core contains a Raspberry Pi. Therefore, you can add it to your Suitest account the same way.

HDMI streaming

Once the device is paired with your Suitest account:

  1. Plug the HDMI cable from the testing devices into the WingBox
  2. Go to the streaming devices page
  3. Click start streaming icon
  4. Select target parameters and start watching the stream

HDMI recording

Based on your use case, visit the following pages of our user documentation:

  1. Recording of a test written in our web-based test editor.
  2. Recording of a Suitest JavaScript API session.

Testing device control

Depending on the device you want to control, you should select the right way:

SuitestDrive on Raspberry Pi

SoloCandy + Raspberry Pi