Instrumentation libraries

Questions regarding the use of our instrumentation libraries in Suitest. If you cannot find an answer to your question please contact us.

What does "Application did not respond in 60 seconds" mean?

This error usually arises when the application is incorrectly instrumented.

If you have used automatic injection: please contact our support and let us know if there is any Suitest badge in the top right corner of the screen and the color of a circle + status text.

If you have inserted the instrumentation library manually, please re-check that you have done all the steps properly.

Instrumenting Android applications

All questions related to manual and automated instrumentation of Android applications.

Is it necessary for me to insert the instrumentation library manually into the source code?

No. There is an automatic injection for Android Native apps available in Suitest. Only WebView applications need the manual instrumentation library insertion.

How can I find out if the app that I need to test is native or HTML-based?

You can try to auto-instrument the application with Suitest and try to save elements into Suitest Element repository. If you cannot grab the elements, then most probably the application is HTML-based. Easier way is to ask the developer.

Can my app build have API level lower than 25

If you want to make sure that your application will work with Suitest correctly, we recommend upgrading to higher API level (25 or more). Testing applications with lower API level can be problematic and may not work.

Can we test AndroidX applications

Our instrumentation library depends on However, using androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0 dependency should not be a problem. In case you have any issues, please contact us and we will try to assist you.

What is the difference between dev and production builds?

Dev builds are meant for testing, thus the instrumentation library should be enabled in those so that Suitest can be used for testing. Production builds are meant to be added to marketplace and then to be installed and used by end users. Therefore, the instrumentation library must be disabled in production builds.

How can we insert a text into "faked input elements" (e.g. span or div).

Suitest allows the following two options to achieve your goal:

  • Use our Record navigation feature to record a key combination that inserts a text. You can have snippets with different key combinations for insertion of different strings as separate tests. You can then use those as snippets with Run test line.

  • Ask your developers to make a backdoor for you to set text into the faked input fields programmatically. Then, you use our Execute command line with some JavaScript to insert the text. Here is an example:
