How to perform test automation on Websites

Start testing websites on three different browsers within a couple of minutes.

What is needed to start testing websites

Suitest account

Suitest account - login or register.


SuitestDrive control unit:

  • Download - from your preferences control units.
  • Install - unzip into a directory of your choice. (For automatic updates Java is required)
  • Pair - on first startup pair to personal account or organization.

Browser preparation

  • Google Chrome - download and install
  • Mozilla Firefox - download and install
  • Microsoft Edge - installed if on Windows 10 operating system (update through Windows Update if needed)
  • Safari - download and install

Browser setup

Set up the browser of your choice, by adding it to Suitest.

Adding Google Chrome via SuitestDrive

In SuitestDrive open File > Add Browser or Device, this will open the Add device wizard. Choose the browser of your choice, your SuitestDrive after pressing Next the device will be added automatically.

Feel free to check configuring browsers for more information.

App set up and settings

Create new application

Add new configuration - name it, change the platform to Websites. Add a URL of the website you wish to test, for this guide let's use Leave the rest of the configuration in it's default state.

Create new configuration - Websites platform

Learn more about setting up an app and configurations.

Connecting to a browser

Keep SuitestDrive running in the background, connect to the browser you have just added.

Connecting to the browser

Test scenario

In this quick start, we will be testing if the Suitest website shows the cookie banner to users and they are able to confirm they have read to remove it.

1. Open Suitest website at homepage
2. Check that the banner and accept button has been loaded
3. Press accept button
4. Check that the banner was hidden
5. Refresh the webpage
6. Check that the banner element disappears

Suitest cookie banner

Element repository

Switch to the Element repository and open the application. Then, switch to the Suggested elements tab.

Adding cookiescript_accept to saved elements using suggested elements

Now, switch to Search by property tab. Search for the element with the #cookie-policy CSS selector and save the element.

Adding cookie policy banner to saved elements using search by property

Once added the elements becomes available in the Test editor.

Test creation

Now that the elements are stored in the element repository they can be used inside the Test editor.

Thinking of the test scenario we are given, we need to use the correct test operations and assertions on the elements to check the expected functionality.

Switch to the Test editor and create a new test.

Create new test

The editor automatically adds the open app line.

Adding assertions and operations

In this scenario we will use the assertion, click on, browser refresh and test operations.

Step 1

Checking that cookie banner and button are displayed correctly

Step 2

Clicking on cookiescript_accept button

Step 3

Checking the banner is hidden

Set elements has properties to:

  • Width to 0px
  • Height to 0px
  • Top to 0px
  • Textual content to Empty string

Step 4

Refreshing web page and checking element does not exist


Run the full test in your browser. You should see something like this:

Run the full test