Baseline snapshot of the element state

When you specify the identifying properties Suitest will look up the element and then collect information about the element and calculates values for a number of properties. These properties are collectively called a baseline state.

Absolute values

Suitest calculates absolute values for the properties below, regardless of how they are specified in the app. For instance an element may have its width specified as 100%. This means that when the app is ran on screen with the resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, the element will be shown as 1920 px (absolute value) in Suitest as the element is specified to 100% width in the app.

HTML-based applications

Element name Description Example (value)
background color color applied to the element background rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
border color color applied to the border line of the element rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
border style variant of the border line solid
border width width of the border line 1 px
class attribute HTML attribute class button focused
height height of the element in pixels 100
href attribute if the element is a link the href attribute will hold the address the link is pointing to
id attribute id attribute of the HTML element logo
image if the element is either an HTML img tag or has a background image defined this property will hold the URL of that image
image loading state current status of the image state (only for elements with img tag) loaded
is checked if the element is a checkbox and is checked true or false
is enabled if the element is enabled for usage true or false
is selected if the element is currently selected true or false
left absolute horizontal position of the element on the screen (in pixels) 140
offset left absolute horizontal position of the element in the app / on the page (in pixels) 2050px
offset top absolute vertical position of the element in the app / on the page (in pixels) 4850px
opacity opacity of the element from 0 to 1 0.32
tag the html tag div
text color color applied to the element text rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
textual content entire text contained in the element and its children (without tags) Settings
top absolute vertical position of the element on the screen (in pixels) 240
value value of an input field
width width of the element in pixels 100
z-index value of the CSS z-index property 5

Android applications

Element name Description Example (value)
alpha transparency level from 0 to 1 (0 being completely transparent) 0.5
background color color applied to the element background rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
content description value used by accessibility services Image of a car
has focus does the element have focus true or false
height height of the element in pixels 100
hint default text for editable text fields E-mail
id attribute non-unique id of element in the view tree logo
image hash Base64 string of the image converted to MD5 hash e55128bc480d433effc4db37f6f3d92a
is checked if the element is in a checked state true or false
is clickable if the element is clickable (reacts to click events) true or false
is completely displayed if the complete view width and height is visible true or false
is enabled if the element is in an enabled state true or false
is focusable if the element is able to change to a focus state true or false
is selected if the element is currently in the selected state true or false
is touchable if the element has a touchable area true or false
left relative horizontal position to the parent element (in pixels) 100
package name name-space of the view android.myapp.v24
pivotX the X coordinate around which the element is rotated -
pivotY the Y coordinate around which the element is rotated -
scaleX the X coordinate around which the element is scaled -
scaleY the Y coordinate around which the element is scaled -
tag String representation of the element's tag button
text color color of the element's text rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
text size size of the element's text in pixels 16
textual content text contained in the element Login
top relative vertical position to the parent element (in pixels) 50
translationX the horizontal location of the element relative to its left position -
translationY the vertical location of the element relative to its top position -
visibility the element's visibility Visible, Invisible, Gone
width width of the element in pixels 300

Apple iOS/tvOS applications

Element name Description Example (value)
accessibility identifier unique identifier for element in scripts using UI Automation interface leftLogo
alpha transparency level from 0 to 1 (0 being completely transparent) 0.5
background color color applied to the element background rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
bar tint color color applied to the bar's background rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
border style the type of border drawn around a text field bezel
content mode states how element's content layout changes when bounds change ScaleToFill
font family family of the font used on the element .SF UI Text
font name name of the font used on the element SFUIText
font size size of the text in pixels 14
has metadata video property has metadata true or false
has nav markers video property has navigation markers groups true or false
height height of the element in pixels 100
image hash Base64 string of the image converted to MD5 hash 7abc013ab4d24c52f5d2dee135bbcb09
is enabled is the element currently enabled true or false
is focused is the element currently focused true or false
is opaque is the element currently opaque true or false
left element's left coordinate according to the superview origin 20
left absolute element's left coordinate according to window origin 10
name element's class name UIButton
number of segments the number of segments in Segmented Control 2
placeholder string that is displayed when no text is in the input field Enter password
proposal url video element that is proposed to be played next
selected image tint color color applied to selected tab bar item rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
state constant describing the state of the element highlighted
tagInt non-unique identifier for view objects 4
textual content text of the element UILabel
text color color of the element's text rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
text alignment alignment of text inside the element justified
tint color color applied to tint the element rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
top element's top coordinate according to the superview origin 20
top absolute element's top coordinate according to the window origin 10
width width of the element in pixels 100

Xbox (One, Series X/S) Native applications

Element name Description Example (value)
automation id the value of the automationID attribute on Xbox ha33409
automation name the value of the automationName attribute on Xbox Settings label
background color color applied to the element background rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
border color color applied to the border line of the element rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
border width width of the element's border line in pixels 5px 2px 1px 3px or 5 2 1 3
font family name of the font used on the element SegoeUI
font size size of the text in pixels 14
font weight weight in integer format from 100 to 950 400 (Normal), 700 (Bold)
height height of the element in pixels 100
image the URL of the image
image hash Base64 string of the image converted to MD5 hash 7abc013ab4d24c52f5d2dee135bbcb09
is checked if the element is in a checked state true or false
is enabled if the element is in an enabled state true or false
is focused if the element is focused true or false
is selected if the element is currently in the selected state true or false
left absolute horizontal position of the element on the screen (in pixels) 140
left absolute absolute horizontal position of the element in the app / on the page (in pixels) 1140px
margin the value of the margin space around the element in pixels 5px 2px 1px 3px or 5 2 1 3
name name given to the element MyElement
opacity opacity of the element from 0 to 1 0.5
padding the value of the element's padding in all directions in pixels 5px 2px 1px 3px or 5 2 1 3
text color color applied to text rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
textual content plain text of the element I am an Element
top absolute vertical position of the element on the screen (in pixels) 240
top absolute absolute vertical position of the element in the app / on the page (in pixels) 1240px
url URL of WebView component
visibility if the element is visible on screen visible or collapsed
width width of the element in pixels 100

Focus properties

Focus properties can be enabled by setting UseSystemFocusVisuals to true. Check Microsoft visual feedback guidelines for more information.


<Button UseSystemFocusVisuals="True" />
Element name Description Example (value)
focus margin the value of the margin space around an element that is focused in pixels 5
focus primary color elements primary color rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
focus primary width width around the outside of the secondary border in pixels 5
focus secondary color elements secondary color rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
focus secondary width width around the inside of the primary border in pixels 5

Roku applications with Instrumentation library method

Element name Description Example (value)
background color color applied to the node background rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
font size size of font 14
font URI URI of font font://local/address/font
height height of the node in pixels 100
id attribute id attribute of the node logo
image if the node is either an poster tag or has a background image defined this property will hold the URL of that image
is focused is the element currently focused true or false
items focused element focused in list 3
left absolute horizontal position of the node on the screen (in pixels) 140
opacity opacity of the element from 0 to 1 0.32
text color color applied to the node rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
textual content plain text of the element I am an Element
top absolute vertical position of the node on the screen (in pixels) 240
visibility the element's visibility Visible, Invisible
width width of the node in pixels 100

Roku applications with Lite method

Element name Description Example (value)
children element child count 2
extends extends element Group
height height of the node in pixels 100
id attribute id attribute of the node logo
image if the node is either an poster tag or has a background image defined this property will hold the URL of that image
image loading state current status of the image state loaded
index index 1
is focusable if the element is able to change to a focus state true or false
is focused is the element currently focused true or false
items focused element focused in list 3
left absolute horizontal position of the node on the screen (in pixels) 140
opacity opacity of the element from 0 to 1 0.32
text color color applied to the node rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
textual content plain text of the element I am an Element
top absolute vertical position of the node on the screen (in pixels) 240
ui element id identifier for the element dialog-title
visibility the element's visibility Visible, Invisible
width width of the node in pixels 100

Video elements (all platforms)

Element name Description Example (value)
video length length of the video file in seconds 3600s
video position the position of the videos play head in seconds 10s
video state current state of the video object playing
video URL currently set URL of the video file *

* Not available for Roku Lite