Before you start

Before going setting up your application and preparing your test case, please look into the information below in order to get more familiar with Suitest.

At this point you should already have a configured device in your account.

Here are a few terms that we use a lot at Suitest:

  • Suitest app - a project in Suitest that contains configuration and test scenarios for the app you want to test.

  • App communication methods - for testing apps, Suitest needs to communicate with the application state to understand its state. Depending on the platform, Suitest offers several different methods for communication with the app.

  • Instrumentation library - main app communication method (available on all supported platforms). Works as a library/script provided by Suitest that communicates with our server and shares the information about the application state. The process of including the library into the app is called instrumenting and after that the app is referred to as instrumented app.

  • Lite - another app communication method. It is less intrusive to the app than Instrumentation library, since it is using the tools provided by given platform. Available on many supported platforms.

  • Suitest app version - a version of Suitest app with unique set of test scenarios and configurations. It is expected that versions inside a single Suitest app are not much different, but unequal in order to correspond to differences between the tested application versions.

  • instrumentation library - a library provided by Suitest that works like a testing agent from inside of your app. The process of including the library into the app is called instrumenting and after that the app is referred to as instrumented app.

  • app ID - this identifies your Suitest project. You may need this ID when instrumenting your app.

  • app platform - software platform on which your app will run. For example Android TV, HbbTV, Samsung Tizen, etc.

  • app configuration - settings that define the environment in which your app will run when testing. Also contains a ID which is used for Suitest JavaScript API.

Now that you are familiar with the terminology, here is what you need to do to start testing:

  1. Create a Suitest app

  2. Create an app configuration and set it up

  3. Create and run a one-line test to check that the configuration works as expected.