Test recording

A test pack execution and JavaScript API session can be recorded by Suitest. In order to be able to make the recording, you will need to have one of the following devices:

Recording a test pack execution

In a test pack, on the Schedule tab you can find the Recording section. If you want the test pack execution to be recorded, please tick the corresponding checkbox there.

Setting up the recording

The recording will be then available inside the test results, next to the exports.

Accessing the recording

Notification about finished recording upload

Inside the test pack, you can also set up a notification to get an email/slack message once the upload of the recordings is finished.

Setting up the notification

Recording a JavaScript API session

If you are using our Suitest JavaScript API, you can record your sessions as well.

Suitest provides you with the following 2 options:

Recording the whole session

If you want to record the session, you have two options to set it up:

  1. Execute the script with launcher options --recording-option=autostart and --webhook-url (or inside the configuration file).
  2. Execute pairDevice command with recording and webhook URL inside recordingSettings object.

Once the recording is uploaded, you will be notified through a webhook.

Besides that, you can also check the status of recording upload using Network API endpoint /recordings/{recordingId}, where recordingId can be taken from the test result endpoint.

Recording of a part of the session

If you want to record only a part of the session, execute the script with launcher option --recording-option=manualstart. During the session, you can then start the recording at any time with startRecording JavaScript API command. We recommend using a webhook in order to receive a message about video being recorded. Else, you can use the Network API endpoint /recordings/{recordingId} as in the whole session recording case.

Once you want to stop the recording, you can use the stopRecording JavaScript API command and decided if to store the video or not - with boolean parameter discard. If stopRecording is not used, recording is stopped automatically at the end of the session.