Line screenshots

Line screenshots are taken either through scheduled tests in automated mode or by Suitest JavaScript API commands takeScreenshot and saveScreenshot. Screenshots made in tests executed by Suitest web application (not JavaScript API) can then be found in the results of your test runs.

Different ways of taking screenshots

Suitest offers three ways of taking screenshots from testing devices. If more than 1 is available for given device, you may selected the preferred screenshot source inside the device details modal window.

Screenshots from the device over network

Supported platforms

  • Android
  • Apple iPhone / iPad (iOS) devices and simulators
  • Apple TV (tvOS) devices and simulators
  • Browsers
  • HbbTV (on LG webOS TVs 2016+)
  • LG webOS (2016+)
  • PlayStation 4/5
  • Roku
  • Sky (Entertainment OS, Sky OS)
  • VIDAA - Lite
  • Vizio - Lite
  • Xbox (One, Series X/S)
  • Xumo (Entertainment OS)
Currently not supported on

  • HbbTV / Freeview Play
  • Samsung Tizen
  • Sky Q
  • VIDAA - Instrumentation library
  • Vizio - Instrumentation library
  • Xfinity / Xumo TV / XClass TV
  • Other Smart TVs and STBs

The first way is directly from the device, and it provides the highest possible image quality. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers allow taking screenshots from their devices. Besides that, some content may not be visible on these screenshots e.g. due to DRM protection. In these cases, please use one of the other options below.

You may experience issues when using Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers running in headless mode on macOS.

When device itself does not provide screenshots, Suitest provides you with an alternative ways - see below.

Screenshots from a UVC device

If the testing device has an HDMI out port, you may use an HDMI cable and plug it to our WingBox or use a capture card in combination with a CandyBox / Raspberry Pi.

Alternatively, you can also use a USB camera and plug it into a CandyBox or Raspberry Pi. For more information about the setup, see the USB cameras / UVC devices documentation.

Screenshots from Suitest Camera android app

When testing any CTV device, you can also take screenshots using the Suitest Camera application on an Android mobile phone.

From the app version 1.7.0, you will not receive screenshots inside test results if the app is streaming at the same time.

Setup process:

  1. Install the Suitest Camera app on your Android mobile
  2. Pair the application with your Suitest account
  3. If needed, pair the application with your testing device
  4. Aim the camera of your Android mobile device at the screen of your testing device
  5. Make sure that the connection is established

Tests in web UI

Within the test editor you can mark the test lines on which you would like to take a screenshot. Screenshots are taken after the line has been executed.

Test editor screenshots enabling

Toolbar screenshot button - allows to select multiple lines

Test packs

In the test pack schedule tab you can configure when screenshots are taken using the following options:

  • Take screenshots according to test definition - takes screenshots based on the lines that you have marked in the test editor
  • Take a screenshot after each test line - takes screenshots after each line that has been executed
  • Do not take screenshots according to test definition - ignore screenshot marks in test editor
  • Take a screenshot after each failed line - take a screenshot after every failed test line, no matter if it was marked in test editor or not

Screenshots schedule tab configuration


On the results page you will find all the screenshots that have been taken. The screenshot icon will open the screenshots viewer.

Please note that execution times may be affected by screenshots being taken.

Results - test definition

The device screenshot viewer allows you to navigate between screenshots on each test line and device.

Device screenshot viewer

Tip: Quickly navigate in the view by using keyboard arrows, left / right to switch test lines and up / down to switch devices.

Tests in JavaScript API

When running a test using Suitest JavaScript API, there are two commands related to screenshots:

Storing of screenshots is then fully up to the user - no screenshots is stored on Suitest servers.